Saturday, January 16, 2010

Always Overnight Is There Any Way To Speed Up The Cooking Of Dried Beans ? I Always Soak Them Overnight.?

Is there any way to speed up the cooking of dried beans ? I always soak them overnight.? - always overnight

I quickly cook for ten minutes, then cover with a lid until done, always seems to take forever, it's a way to speed up the process. I do not have a pressure cooker.


Discus Ted said...

I cover the beans with boiling water and let stand for half an hour or more, while it otherwise.

Someone told me once cooked, beans can be frozen in portions in order to save the work and the disposal of long-cooked meals.

When you invest in a pressure cooker, the tips are put beans for 10 minutes before you slowly on the stove.

ageingcy... said...

I use the quick dip method in an earlier post mentioned - to cook quickly in large quantities of water for three minutes and let sit for one or two hours. To speed up the royal kitchen to cover beans with boiling water, then placed in the microwave for about 20 minutes has (if the grains, the age of five minutes may be required or have ten extra). The entire process from beginning to end is about 1 ½ hours.

By the way, you'll find that the beans in the supermarket always say to soak for at least 8 hours, but in practice, if you can do the long bath, get to 4-6 hours for most beans and vegetables (except beans and black beans). And it's good to know that (regardless of the packaging may say) black-eyed beans do not need no soaking at all.

ageingcy... said...

I use the quick dip method in an earlier post mentioned - to cook quickly in large quantities of water for three minutes and let sit for one or two hours. To speed up the royal kitchen to cover beans with boiling water, then placed in the microwave for about 20 minutes has (if the grains, the age of five minutes may be required or have ten extra). The entire process from beginning to end is about 1 ½ hours.

By the way, you'll find that the beans in the supermarket always say to soak for at least 8 hours, but in practice, if you can do the long bath, get to 4-6 hours for most beans and vegetables (except beans and black beans). And it's good to know that (regardless of the packaging may say) black-eyed beans do not need no soaking at all.

ageingcy... said...

I use the quick dip method in an earlier post mentioned - to cook quickly in large quantities of water for three minutes and let sit for one or two hours. To speed up the royal kitchen to cover beans with boiling water, then placed in the microwave for about 20 minutes has (if the grains, the age of five minutes may be required or have ten extra). The entire process from beginning to end is about 1 ½ hours.

By the way, you'll find that the beans in the supermarket always say to soak for at least 8 hours, but in practice, if you can do the long bath, get to 4-6 hours for most beans and vegetables (except beans and black beans). And it's good to know that (regardless of the packaging may say) black-eyed beans do not need no soaking at all.

Dave C said...

What do you like what I ... But do not soak overnight.

The method of rapid immersion of the USDA corresponds to soak overnight.
1. Cook the beans in plenty of water for about 5 minutes.
2. Remove from heat and cover.
3. Approx. Soak for 1 hours. (But better if you can go up to 4 hours).
4. Drain and are operational.

If you have a faster method.
Use a pressure cooker.
1. Add beans and water (amount of pressure cooking instructions).
2. Bring to pressure and cook for 5 minutes.
3. Turn off the heat and let the cooker cool naturally in about one hour.

One advantage of the method of quick dip ... Aims to reduce flatulence beans.

I do not recommend baking powder. Sodium bicarbonate reduces the nutritional value of cereals. You can also have soft-grain / slimey and tastes a little soap.

Silver said...

Dried beans should be soaked. Change soaking, and especially water before cooking gives the right nutrients. In fact, shorten the cooking time can be a big problem in the summer, or cooking fuel can be a problem. But for most of the beans, only takes a few minutes and perhaps only half an hour before the cooking time of grains and beans. There seems to be little or no effect on the factor of soda and I would be better in any case.

Just rinse and add to the boil with a teaspoon of salt per cup of beans, onions and garlic, if you want. He also put in other herbs such as epazote, as you want:

But do not put baking soda with them. Adversely affects the flavor and vitamins of group B is filtered.

Here are some simple instructions are not on the beans on the stove and cook at the place to soak with some personal experiences of a large number of people in the water. show ...

I've never soaked my beans and make soup, lakes), especially black beans (rich and dark: ...

Some cook faster than other legumes such as lentils and peas are generally in about 30 minutes without soaking, and cook about 30 minutes Anasazi made faster than painting.

Baking, spread to "Extra" and in sealed containers to be stacked in the freezer, if you can, what you want for the day. Only then can a batch or two weekends to cook rebuild and add variety to what you in the freezer. Then you can quickly chili, salads, burritos, whatever you want with beans.

Cecilia said...

My husband cooking all require the traditional overnight soak in boiling water. We have) a rice cooker (which, laying the seeds into a bowl, pour boiling water and cook. Is required once, most twice in this way. Approximately two hours and is deliciosisimo!

Cecilia said...

My husband cooking all require the traditional overnight soak in boiling water. We have) a rice cooker (which, laying the seeds into a bowl, pour boiling water and cook. Is required once, most twice in this way. Approximately two hours and is deliciosisimo!

GorGeous... said...

Well, I'm a cook, to feel the pressure, is the best way - if they are soaked overnight

Otherwise AGESSS of cooking

Buy a pressure cooker - and it will be worth it - in recent years will save the expense to save on fuel!

Good luck

granny.r... said...

My only answer is, in a stove to invest the high quality of printing.
I make these beds in the completely dry beans difficult to melt in the mouth for an hour in my pressure cooker.

Carrusel said...

I had to use a pressure cooker to speed up instead of soaking overnight.

bimal said...

can be a little powder, soda, add-making in order to more quickly there.

Lily B Talus said...

Buying in cans, no soaking and cooking Eindow involved.

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