Republicans, once hailed as the "party of ideas," have become the party of stupid. Opinions on this viewpoint? - slogans de adidas ...
Know-Nothing Politics
Paul Krugman
Published: August 7, 2008
Thus, the GOP has found its issue for the 2008 elections. For the next three months, the party wants to sing in the future: "Drill here! Drill now! Drill here! Drill now!" Four legs good, two legs bad! "Well, I added that last part.
And the debate on energy policy has helped me to find words for something I thought for a moment. Republicans, who once hailed as the "party of ideas," the party of stupid.
Now I do not think that GOP politicians are, on average, dumber than their Democratic counterparts. And do not mean especially the often appalling news of Republican politicians question.
I mean, these are rather unknown - a claim that there are simple, brute force, immediate responses satisfaction of all problems, and it's something effeminate and weak about anyone who seems to indicate otherwise - has become the heart of Republican politics and political sSTRATEGY. The party, believe that under the motto "Real men do not, that things".
The Republican Party has realized that the song is on the right principles and run to win. Nobody was able to successfully vote for a party interested within the meaning of the rich. To use the simple spirit of one of his lines sing, not to restore the integrity back into the White House and gay marriage, secure our borders, is the only answer, drilling, and say my favorite is the big lie Republicans as pro - Life. If there was ever illegal abortion, suddenly loses all his followers.
It was a long time received no president was a Republican for anything other Republicans elected.
The U.S. Republican party has taken to get out - and was once known - the party of abolition. In other words, the party wanted to abolish slavery in the United States. Its first president was, what he did.
The Democratic Party (formerly known as the Democratic-Republican Party) was better known as a strong supporter of slavery, and were strongly against the abolition of slavery.
Both parties have their positions changed a bit over the years.
Great post and used the New York Times, as it relies source.Thank a superior intelligence that proves the point that the Democratic Party is the party of elitist.Take A view from the position of candidates on the issues, so that he has on and let me know he is stupid.By as I need to "add / remove air in the tires so they can save millions of barrels of oil.
This is what America is worrying for the moment. Good plan, in my opinion. Everything is higher because of gas prices and transportation costs affordable.
- Todd Charske
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