The computer uses A LOT of electricity even when it's turned off, but still plugged in? - oven comparison
Who knows how much electricity is off but plugged in, the use of computers - and a return to TV, hair dryer in action, past an electric stove? I need to understand a kind of comparison to how much electricity is used (and I have to pay).
And while I am, how much electricity (something to do something) to use?
A team on stand-by consumption is not high, a few watts in the rule. That's less than a television in standby mode, let alone a television set (100-150 watts). The actual consumer devices with heating elements, air dryers (300 watts or less) with heaters and ovens (2000 watts) more.
You can also measure AA device, the Kill-a-Watt on the amount of energy that was used when away, or energy conservation. ...
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