Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kite School How Much Wind Does A Box Kite Need To Fly?

How much wind does a box kite need to fly? - kite school

I have myself a box kite in the school and we have to fly on Friday. It will not fly today because we have low wind speeds.
On Friday the wind speed is 10 MPH.
I am afraid, not the fly.
All proposals on how to fly better?

1 comment:

targetbu... said...

Everything depends on the material, and also the angle of attack. Is your adjustable mounting point? The attachment point, btw, is where the line attaches under the flange. Easiest way to achieve a set point, it put a double knot stopper up and down at the end of the flight, then head of the lark in flight line in the reins. For more information, visit the knot ...

10 mph is usually enough for a comet. The key is to get the proper trajectory of the wind, are far from trees or other obstructions. If you are the kite that several things can be done simultaneously

1. You can go wild side to the other, is usually not many dragons field. This is an indication of the towing point that is too high.
2. Increases the kite and then slides back to the tail first country which is called the stagnation point will slip too low.
3. Kite goes up and down nose first, a crossing point slide too high.

Now, material wise, the lighter the kite requires less wind. The quality of the questions that drive so much. If you MateriIf it is porous, will pass through the wind and not to generate much lift. I assume you are using wooden pegs, their resting places? Switch to bamboo will provide a better flight, but the bamboo could be difficult to achieve.

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